Book Trailer VIDEO Creation (FAQ)

Home Business Book Trailer VIDEO Creation (FAQ)

Here is a Book Trailer Video created by us for a crime fiction/thriller novel – The Archers Revenge by Destination Infinity. This is a short 45s trailer video that can be uploaded to Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and most social networks. It can even be embedded in a website/webpage.

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers) about Book Trailer Video Creation – FAQs.

Q: How long should a book trailer video be? A: 30s to 90s is what we suggest. Shorter, the better. What matters more is the quality and attractiveness of the video.

Q: Can we use the book blurb as such for the trailer? A: You can, but in most cases, the text that goes in a trailer is shorter than the book blurb. Besides, it’s better to use copywriting principles as the trailer is meant to make people buy the book.

Q: How important is the Music? A: This is the most important element, maybe just after the text/copy. Music sets the right tone and it is a big factor in separating amateur trailers from professional ones.

Q: Can I use my favorite commercial song by a band I love? Don’t. You’ll quickly get into copyright infringement issues. Make sure the music used for your project is licensed for commercial use.

Q: Is Live Action better for Visuals? A: Yes, if you are able to afford actors, props, and technical crew, Live Action is the best option for any trailer. But, in most cases, Live Action is very expensive for individual authors and small publishers. So we suggest creating your scenes using attractive stock graphics, photos, and videos that can be licensed for your project. This works much cheaper.

Q: Is using a Voice-over/Narrator required? A: For a book trailer, voice is not as important as the text. Readers prefer to read, even in a video. If you want to use a voice actor, why not? Make sure your text syncs to the voice.

Q: How can a Video Trailer help Authors sell more books? A: Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google. Youtube videos get indexed by Google as well. So, in the long run, your Youtube trailer video is sure to get good visibility via organic search.

If you want to see more sales in the short term, it depends on how you promote the video. You may need a marketing budget for Youtube ads, influencer partnerships, targeted social media promotions, etc.

Q: Can I create my own book trailers? A: Yes. There are many websites that help you do that – some even offer readymade templates. Just Google related keywords and you’ll be able to find a few.

You can also use MS Powerpoint, Windows Movie Maker, Apple iMovie, or a free Video Editor like Hitfilm Express/DaVinci Resolve to create your own trailers.

Q: Why should we approach a professional Book Trailer creator when we can do it ourselves? A: There will be a substantial difference between your first short story, your first book, and your 15th Book, right? Same way, video creators whose daily job is to create videos, will be able to make the video look more professional.

Q: How much would a professional video creator charge for a book trailer video? A: You can get it done for a wide range of budgets from $50 USD to even 5000 USD. There are some video creators who make decent videos for a low budget, as well. Make sure to look around for options.

Here is another Book Video Trailer Style made by us –
