Category: <span>WIshes-Greetings</span>

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Customized Independence Day Wishes Video

Here is a personalized Independence Day Greetings Video (for India) made by us. This video can be customized with your business name and logo. You can share this video in all major social networks as horizontal, vertical, and square formats are available for you to buy. To customize this video and for ordering details, click...

Customized Parents Day Greetings Video

Here is a Parents Day Wishes Video we made for Schools, Colleges, and Educational Institutions. Children can also thank their parents with a customized video like this. This video can be customized with your Institute’s logo, name, and message (if any). For pricing and ordering details, click here.

Guru Purnima Wishes/ Greetings Video [Customized]

Guru Purnima is a festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists in the Indian subcontinent. Guru Purnima is an occasion to pay ritualistic honour to gurus and teachers. This festival is especially common in academic circles. To customize the above-embedded Gurupurnima Wishes Video/Greetings Video with your business/institute name and logo, click here.

Customized Bakrid Greetings/Wishes Video

Above embedded is a Bakrid Wishes/Greetings Video that can be customized with your business logo and business name. Bakrid falls on July 9 or 10 every year. It’s a popular Muslim festival celebrated all over the world. For pricing, delivery and ordering details for this customized video, refer to this post (click).

Social Media Day [Customized Greetings/Wishes]

Social Media Day [Customized Greetings/Wishes]

Here is a loopable social media post that we have made for the Social Media Day celebrated on June 30. If you are in charge of marketing for your business, sharing this social media day video on Jun. 30 is a great idea to engage your customers on – you guessed it right – social...

Int. Yoga Day Greetings/ Wishes Video [Customized]

Int. Yoga Day Greetings/ Wishes Video [Customized]

International Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga is celebrated on June 21 every year. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India but is now popular all over the world – mostly for its health benefits. The above-embedded Yoga Day greetings video/ Yoga Day wishes video can be customized with...

Father’s Day Wishes Video for Business

Here is a Happy Father’s Day wishes/greetings video for business that can be customized with your company name and logo. You could share this video on all major social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc. for your business to forge a closer bond with fathers and siblings in your network. Father’s Day is generally...

Custom World Environment Day Video for Business

Here is a World Environment Day Video that can be customized with your business name and logo. This low-cost video is perfect for sharing across all your social media handles on June 05 to reiterate your commitment to protecting the environment. For pricing and ordering details, click here.

Mother’s Day Greetings Video for Business

Here is a Mother’s Day Wishes Video/Mother’s Day Greetings Video that can be customized with your business name and logo. If your business caters to women, wishing them on this special day will enhance your business image in their minds. For pricing, options, and ordering details, click here.

Eid al-Fitr Greetings Video/Wishes Video for Business

Here is an Eid al-Fitr Greetings Video/Wishes Video that can be customized with your business name and business logo. For options, pricing, and ordering details, visit this page. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated worldwide by Muslims. It marks the end of dawn-to-sunset fasting for Ramadan. This day is also called Eid. This video can be used...