Click here (Youtube link) to see the Save the Date video that we can customize with your photos and names.
This ‘Save the Date’/’Wedding Day Announcement‘ Video is not a wedding invitation. It’s a short video you could share ahead of the full invitation with all the details. Telling people the wedding dates in advance is important to enable them to plan appropriately, given that some of them need to travel a long distance.
You can also share the save-the-date video to announce that you are engaged with someone and you’ll get married shortly. In this case, the text will be changed to ‘We are Engaged’ instead of ‘We are getting Married’. Instead of ‘Save the Date’, you can mention something like, “Dates to be announced shortly”.
What you’ll get is a 1080p Square-format Video (1080×1080) which is apt for sharing on all social networks, including whatsapp, Instagram, facebook, youtube, etc. Square videos are easy to view both on mobile phones and on desktops.
For inquiries, pricing and ordering details, email – wowsuper.net@gmail.com or send a whatsapp message to +91-8973917204. (International customers can pay with their credit or debit cards through Paypal.)
Here is another (Golden Styled) “Save the Date” Video that can also be customized with your details –