Embedded above is a book trailer/book promo video style that I can customize with your book cover and content. This style suites both fiction and non-fiction books/ebooks.
Why can’t we do the book trailer ourselves?
There are apps and tools that allow you to create and edit videos yourselves. So, technically, creating your own book trailer/book promo videos is possible.
However, you ought to consider whether doing it yourself is worth your time and, in a few cases, money.
Without our knowledge, there are some basic mistakes we all make (including myself) when we start doing something new. Video creation is no exception.
For example, matching visuals with music is very difficult for beginners. Also, creating attractive visuals and animations (like the 3D book cover animation in my above video) takes a lot of time and learning. Customizing these animations to suit your project is very difficult and, in many cases, not even possible.
What’s special about this book trailer template?
The rotating 3D book animation makes the video look professional. Besides, your book trailer need not have the same number of slides – even if there is more content, I can extend or reduce the number of slides accordingly.
Also, did you notice the flickering effect in the text? That looks much more attractive than using plain text.
What can be customized?
- The number of slides and the text in each slide
- Book cover image
- Music and length of each slide (Esp. if your book is in a genre other than mystery)
- Text Color and the frequency of flickering animation
- The call to action in the final slide – number of stores can be changed, a website link can be added, etc.
Does this style work even if I have a lot of text?
I highly recommend you reduce the total number of words you will use to as minimum as possible. This style is text-driven, and people don’t like to read too much text in videos.
Also, the amount of text in each slide should be as minimum as possible. There is only as much time for people to read each slide, and if it looks filled with text, they’d quickly skip to the next video.
You should aim for less than 15 words per slide and less than 90 seconds for the entire video.
You can shorten the description yourselves, or send me the book blurb and I will do it for you.
Does this book promo video work for both Fiction & Non-Fiction books?
Yes, it works for any genre in both fiction and non-fiction. For non-fiction book trailers, we have a more engaging explainer video style as well – take a look!
How much does it cost?
One thing I can assure you is, the price of this book trailer video will definitely be within your budget. The cost of making this promo video depends on the number of slides you want. We will quote a per-slide price to you and you decide on the number of slides, and hence the budget.
Why can’t I get a custom book trailer made with characters/artwork and 2D animation?
Although that will look visually very attractive, making a book trailer with 2D/3D animation or live action will cost you a lot of money. I suggest you don’t invest too much on a book trailer at the beginning.
Once the book has proven to be a hit, you could then make a comprehensive storytelling-style video spending a lot of money. It’s a good idea to test your idea/story with a few people initially before you make heavy investments into it.
On a related note, have a look at Books Butterfly for book promotions.
How does the ordering process work?
- You send me an email – wowsuper.net[at]gmail.com or whatsapp message – +91-8973917204 (Rajesh K) with the name of your book, purchase link (if available) and genre.
- I will send you the per-slide pricing.
- You create the content for each slide and send it along with the book image (front and back covers). I can also create the content summarizing your book blurb – if you want me to do it.
- You send me the content and a token advance to enable me to start the work.
- I will first create a short video with the first two slides and send it for your approval. Once we finalize this part, I will create the entire video and send you a watermarked version of the 1080p Full HD MP4 file.
- Once you make the balance payment, I will send you the video file without watermark.
So go ahead and send me a message. Let’s talk!