The best suggestion I can give to make a great youtube channel trailer/youtube promo video is – DON’T make it yourselves! Let a professional video creator with years of video-making experience do it for you.
With the proliferation of make-it-yourself apps and SAAS services, it’s tempting to create such videos ourselves. While it may be a good idea to make videos that you frequently publish, yourself., a channel trailer is an important piece of communication tool available to convince your viewers to become subscribers, or subscribers to become customers.
Hence, take professional help to create a youtube channel promo video, youtube intro, youtube outro, etc, that you need to create just once. These are the areas where you need to make a great impact on your viewers.
Have a look at one of my popular Youtube channel Trailer/Promo Videos –
Before I mention anything about the visuals, I have to mention the music and its sync with the videos. Did you notice the sync between the audio and the visuals? That’s an important element that differentiates a professional video from an amateur video.
Second, I have used royalty-free music that will be licensed to your project. That means, even if there is a copyright claim from youtube, you can easily remove it by submitting a copy of the license that I will provide. Most readymade video-making apps or services do not license the music they offer for commercial use.
I am sure you would have noticed the pace of the video and the beautiful motion graphics that make the video look attractive. Even the transitions look professional.
It is difficult to find an attractive template like this in readymade video creation apps. And it’s very hard to customize it the way you want it for your youtube channel. Simple things like changing the length of each slide to match the audio, or using a color palette make your video look way more professional.

Customization is a very important component of client videos that I make. Often, clients cannot give media to back up their messages on a few slides. So, I either use licensed stock videos/photos that communicate the point effectively, or I draw my own custom graphics to illustrate the point.
This is important because, in videos, visuals need to reinforce the messages – not distract.
Concise Messages
It’s normal for clients to send long messages to go with each slide. That’s a big mistake. The text on each slide should be no more than a few words, otherwise, it becomes tedious to read.
It takes time and experience to distill clients’ copy into concise messages that go well with the flow of the video. Freelance video creators like me can handle it better.
Since I am an individual freelance video creator, my charges are way less than what you might expect.
If you want to make a youtube promo video/channel trailer, get in touch. You can write to me at[at] or send a whatsapp message to +91-8973917204. [Rajesh K]. You can also submit the contact form on the homepage of this website.