Here is an Engagement Invite Video/Image designed by us. This video can be customized based on your data and information. The best thing is, we can change the Text in this video/image to Tamil or Telugu, in addition to (or) in place of English, depending on your needs.
As you can see in the above-embedded video, we can include details like the names of the bride & bridegroom, date, time, and the venue address. The words ‘We are getting Engaged’ can also be changed to ‘We are getting Married’ if you want a wedding/marriage invitation video to share on social media.
Since Engagement Ceremony is organized separately in most Indian families, and since the invitees are spread across the world, we thought, a separate invitation video for engagement (nichyadhartham) would be better.
This is a loopable MP4 video that will be given to you in all three popular social media formats – horizontal (landscape), vertical (portrait), and square.
You can upload the video/image to WhatsApp groups/status, Facebook post/story, Instagram post/reels, and even to Youtube. In addition to the video, we will also give you an Engagement invite image in each of the above three formats.
For pricing, options, and ordering details, send a WhatsApp message to: +91-8973917204 (Rajesh K) or send an email to[at] Delivery time depends on the current load, but generally, I should be able to give it to you within a day or so.