Below embedded is a Pongal Greetings Video for 2021 made by us. This video can be customized to include your name(s) or your company name. You can share this short 13-second video on Youtube, Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social networks. If you order, it will be delivered to you as a Full HD MP4 video.
Sharing a custom video is very unique. Most people share generic greetings without their names or share a greetings image. While these are easy to make, it’s difficult to make a good impression in your circles with such wishes. Especially considering the number of greeting messages you get during a festival like Pongal.
That’s why you might want to order a customized Pongal Greetings with your names inside the video. This video was made by us and we made sure to sync it fully with the music. It’s a very modern take on our traditional festival, without losing the traditional aspects. You can be sure no one has seen anything like this before!
Here is the Fiverr link from where you can order the customized Pongal greetings video –