The above eBook cover is definitely not the most beautiful or the most elegant. But in spite of its unconventional nature, it works. Do you want to know why? Read on…
In this day of digital & mobile quick-browsing and instant-decision making, eBook covers need to evolve from being just professional or beautiful. It’s good if they are either or both, but there is another important element to good eBook covers.
Put yourselves in the shoes of a book buyer. If you already know the name of the book you want to buy, you’ll go and type that on the search bar of Amazon or Kobo or Google Play Books, etc.
You get a list of books. But you also get to see other (similar) books below. You might give a customary glance at these other books but you click on the book that you want to buy. You read the description, reviews, compare prices at other stores, etc.
But at each step, you are also presented with other similar books as recommendations. Even if you are browsing in the final stage of your buying funnel (which means you are ready to buy the book as soon as possible) you’ll be tempted to evaluate a few other similar books before making that final decision.
Imagine you see an eBook cover like this,

It’s predominantly a black-and-white cover but there is a single small yellow colored element right at the center. If the book you wanted to buy was in a similar genre/similar topic as the above, would you not want to check this book out – at least to reject it and go back to your previously selected book?
What makes you think so? Agreed that there are other important factors like descriptions, reviews, pricing, etc. which will influence your final decision, but the decision to check out a book relies mostly on its cover design.
That’s because eBook stores show only the cover prominently in their search results, and recommended books lists. Getting found at these places is a great way to get your book before new readers.
What will make those new readers click-through and check out your book?
What will make you do that?
Let me guess the answer: An Attention-Grabbing Cover!
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the most important aspect of eBook covers nowadays. You could have the most beautiful, elegant, and professional covers but they’ll disappear in the sea of similar competitive books in your genre/topic.

An attention grabbing cover will not only make a prospective reader notice your book, but it will also entice them to click through and have a look at the description, reviews, etc.
Ideally, your book should have attention grabbing title & description too. Especially if you are not an established author yet.
If you want to step out of the convention and design attention-grabbing covers, head over to the home page and submit the contact form. Don’t worry, our design charges are attention-grabbing in their frugality, too 😉