Event Slideshow: Temple Consecration (Religious Ceremony)

Home Creative Event Slideshow: Temple Consecration (Religious Ceremony)

A Temple Consecration is an important religious event in India as it marks the inauguration ceremony of a sacred place. Above embedded is a slideshow we made using photos from a Temple Consecration ceremony in South India. Such slideshows can be made to summarize any event – religious (Christian, Muslim, etc.) or otherwise (Trade Fairs, Conferences, etc.)

An event slideshow is different from an event video. While the latter is longer and is a rerun of the video recording of many minutes or even hours of the actual event happenings, the former, event slideshow, is a like a summary of the important highlights of the event, often represented by selected photos and/or a couple of short videos. The event slideshow typically doesn’t cross five-minutes and mostly runs for just a minute or two.

Unlike an event video recording, an event slideshow can be shared easily on social networks or can be loaded into a mobile phone and shown directly to people directly. Event slideshows can also include text summarizing the important takeaways from the event. This text can be presented in interesting ways, but they shouldn’t consist of long bullet points. A line of text per photo (max) is perfect.

If you want to make an event summary through an event slideshow just send us the photos and we’ll create one with beautiful effects and/or text, motion graphics, animations, etc. Since we are professional slideshow creators you can be assured of the output quality. Please visit https://wowsuper.net for further details on our slideshow creation service and to see other photo slideshows we made recently.